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Sabtu, 31 Mei 2008

ok, jadi lagu ini gw buat setelah gw liat profile friendster "dia". trus dia nulis lucky number dia 9. makanya judulnya jadi kayak bgini. well..sebenernya ga nyambung apa-apa juga sii... cuma ultah gw kan tanggal 9, so i guess it must mean something.. hha.. kegeeran kali gw ya?.... hhaaa....

Song Title: And She Said Her Lucky Number Was 9
Genre : PopRock

it's the things we called our memories
the good times and sad melodies
it's the things that makes me think of you
when you're not around
when you're just too far away
i know i don't have you
i know that i'm waiting for you
everyday, you never there
only one thing i have
it's the things called memories

i still kept your letters we used to write everyday or two
where nobody knows, it's just me and you
i still kept your birthday invitation on the 5th grade in the classroom
when i gave you a princess diary, you still remember
i still kept the CD you gave me on our last day together
i just hope it last forever
you are everything i always remember
you never really notice
it's the things we called our memories
the good times and sad melodies
it's the things that makes me think of you
when you're not around
when you're just too far away
i know i don't have you
i know that i'm waiting for you
everyday, you never there
only one thing i have
it's the things called memories
do you remeber everyday at school we used to stare at each other from the balcony
do you remember all the things i said to you
"i will always be waiting for you"
do you remember my basketball match you missed
and every time you stayed on practise
you are everything i always remember
you never really notice

it's the things we called our memories
the good times and sad melodies
it's the things that makes me think of you
when you're not around when you're just too far away
i know i don't have you
i know that i'm waiting for you
everyday, you never there
only one thing i have
it's the things called memories
do you still remember me
do you still keep me in your heart
i do, i do....
it's the things we called our memories
the good times and sad melodies
it's the things that makes me think of you
when you're not around when you're just too far away
i know i don't have you
i know that i'm waiting for you
everyday, you never there
only one thing i have
it's the things called memories
posted by nove. at 09.02 0 comments


ada yang pernah denger LQ? ya pasti blom lah.. kalo buat anak IC angakatan Civeramoz,pasti uda pada tau LQ semua, terutama para pria pencari cinta. hha..

LQ tu singkatan "love quotient". yaa plesetan-plesetan dari IQ gtu lah.. jadi tu isinya membantu orang-orang untuk masalah cinta (ceilah..). srius lho...
LQ ni diciptain oleh Faris Naufal Rahman alias gw sendiri. hhe. awalnya si iseng-iseng bantuin temen-temen yg curhat masalah cewek atau bantuin temen-temen yg pengen punya cewek. gw juga ga ngerti kenapa awalnya orang-orang pada nanyain gw masalah begituan. tapi sejak itu, salah satu pasien gw (halah pasien..) yaitu Dhany, ngusulin suatu nama. yap, namanya love qoutient atau disingkat LQ. sebetulnya kalo IQ tu kan mengukur kadar kecerdasan seseorang, tapi LQ ni gaada ngukur-ngukurnya sama sekali. kerjaan gw ya cuman bantuin temen-temen gw aja yg pengen dapet pencerahan masalah cinta.

LQ awaknya dibuat khusus buat para kaum pria terutama pria yg tida homo untuk dapetin cewek. tapi karena semakin berhasilnya gw menerapkan trik-trik masalah cinta, akhirnya LQ terdengar di kalangan cewek angkatan gw. salah satu temen cewek gw minta tolong gw buat ngasi saran dan tips buat masalah yg dia sama cowoknya lagi ngadepin. awalnya bingung juga. tapi akhirnya gw bisa juga ngbantu dia ngasi tau seluk beluk tentang cowok dan tips ngehandle cowok. sejak saat itu jadilah populer program yg gw bikin dengan nama LQ.

sebenernya dalam LQ gw ga mendikte pasien gw (sebutan keren orang yg gw bantuin..) buat ngelakuin hal-hal tertentu. di sini gw cuma sekedar mengarahkan mereka ke tujuan tertentu. jadi misalnya ada orang yg pengen baikan sama ceweknya, jadi pertama gw tanya dulu tu cewek kaya apa. trus pokonya gw kasi teori-teori hasil pengamatan gw ke tipe cewek tu orang. dan gw arahin ke satu tujuan, yaitu baikan sama ceweknya. voila!

salah satu andalan gw dalam memberikan pencerahan adalah teori-teori tentang cewek. dan ga lupa juga gw ngasi quotes-quotes keren biar pasien gw makin PD buat ngadepin.
salah satu qoutation andalan gw ke semua orang adalah:
"a man chooses the one he loves, a woman chooses the one that loves her"

gw lupa tu quotes siapa, tapi sumpah tu quotes yg sampe sekarang bikin gw optimis dan tentu saja ngebuat para pasien gw (yg cowok) makin percaya diri. hhe.
posted by nove. at 01.12 0 comments

Minggu, 25 Mei 2008

lyrics, the best medicine for me.

gw suka banget iseng2 bikin lirik pas lagi gaada kerjaan. ngebuat lirik is my best medicine, since gw ga begitu poetic buat bikin puisi. kalo diitung2 gw uda bisa ngbuat 5 album dengan rata2 15 lagu per album. hhe....

Song Title: Sincerely Yours
Genre: Emo

dear every letters that we wrote
please tell her that i'm dying
please tell her that this heart is far too weak to even write her name

dear every songs we used to sing
please tell her i cant take it
please tell her that this lips is far too weak to even call her name

cause when i write your name
you wouldn't even notice
cause when i call your name
you wouldn't even listen
anymore.. not anymore..

dear every moments that we spent
please tell that it's painful
please tell her that time's lost as she walks away from me

cause when i write your name
you wouldn't even notice
cause when i call your name
you wouldn't even listen
anymore.. not anymore..

dear every memories
dear every pictures
dear every laughter
dear every pain

i still remeber
i'm still in love with you
sincerely yours
dear hopeless love
posted by nove. at 00.02 0 comments

Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008

true love obsession

ada yg percaya sama yg namanya true love?.. i do.. gw rasa true love itu lebih masuk akal daripada love at first sight. kalo love at first sight tu namanya belom "love", tapi masi dalam tahap "interested" atau mungkin cuma "lust". blom pernah tu gw nemuin orang yg ngaku2 love at first sight tapi jadi panas alias jeles pas orang yg dia suka deket sama orang lain. where's the love?

well yea, emang love ga slamanya bisa dan pantas diukur dengan ke-jeles-nggaknya seseorang, but i mean, c'moon... masa bisa si lu cinta sama seseorang hanya dalam pandangan pertama?.. pandangan pertama memang asal muasal lu suka sama orang itu, tapi gw yakin yg semua orang rasain pas first sight itu cuma sebatas interest.

ngomongin soal true love, i have one... seorang wanita separuh dewi yg sampe sekarang nama dan wajahnya gamau pergi dari hati gw. lets call her X.. dan yg lebih parah lagi, dia ga pernah jadi orang that i could call mine alias dia ga pernah jadi pacar gw. gw pernah confess ke dia pas kelas 6 SD (confession gw masi pake surat cinta man, hhe, blom brani ngomong langsung. hp juga blom dibliin sama nyokap). she replied. but it wasn't a "yes". it wasnt a "no" either. dia nulis di gini,
"tetep love (lovenya pake gambar hati) tapi ditunda dulu".
kata ditunda itu yg sampe sekarang gw ga ngerti maksudnya.. does that mean that she love me too??.... since that day, she's stuck in my heart.

naik ke SMP gw pisah sekolah sama dia. gw mencoba move on. gw coba punya pacar pas kelas 3 SMP. itu pengalaman pertama gw and it lasted for 5 months before she ditched me. pas gw pacaran, gw sayang beneran sama dia. but setelah gw pisah, X dateng lagi dan menghantui hati gw. well. actually setelah 4 minggu jadian sama cewe gw, X ngirim gw sms (yap, saat itu nyokap telah berbaik hati bliin gw hp..^^) isinya gini,
" waking up from this nightmare, how's your life, what's it like there, is it
all what you want it to be does it hurt when you think about me, and how
broken my heart
kalimat trakhir itu yg bikin gw sampe sekarang terus nungguin dia.

you know, i wish i could stop being an assshole for someone who "trully" loves me. because no matter how i try to forget her, she always finds her way back. gw uda nyakitin prasaan banyak orang gara2 gw slalu teringat si X ini. dan gw gamau lagi. kalo aja gw tau cara ngelupain dia. kalo aja gw ga pernah ketemu dia pas masi SD. kalo aja true love doesnt exist.

so untill now she's my true love, or my friends says, obsession. and i dont know when it will end.

can somebody tell me how?
posted by nove. at 20.00 0 comments


Maaaaan...., bentar lagi uda mau UAS kenaikan kelas and still there're a lot of works yang belom gw slesein:
  1. bikin pie fisika
  2. bikin brosur biologi
  3. ngetik biografi, berita and cerpen bahasa indonesia
  4. remedial limit matematika
  5. susulan tb Kn
  6. remedial bahasa arab
  7. naikin level rose online
  8. donlod lagu2 baru
  9. nikah sama Malinda (lho..)

yap, living a live as a dormitory student is really hard, especially kalo kalian orang yang males (kayak gw...)

ada juga anak2 asrama yg baca blog ini? kirim2 comment ya...^^

posted by nove. at 18.50 0 comments

hai hai hai...

yaaaaayyy.. akhirnya kesampean juga mau bikin blog... after being pushed by my parents to make one, here i go... my first post...
nama gw naufal, but friends call me popeng, kopeng, sikopeng, whatever juga ga ngerti kenapa dipanggil gtu.. mm.. gw masi sekolah di salah satu sekolah SMA, well.. lebih tepatnya MAN yang disinyalir bentar lagi kayaknya bakal jadi ponpes alias pondok pesantren.. (HELL YEAAAAH BABY!!!!...) berasrama yang terletak di pojokan tangerang...

oyea, its gonna be a while sampe gw post lagi, maklum, anak asrama..hhe.. internet di skola dodol sangat, jadi cuman bisa ol di rumah..
see yaaa....^^


posted by nove. at 03.20 0 comments